09 November 2010

Past haunts the future

And so I found an old disposable camera which I can already tell you is nearly ready to be developed hurray! Finding something from what seems like the stong age, well back in the days when my mum had to buy me a disposable one each time I went somewhere on a school trip because she didn't in her right mind trust me with her digital, has finally made its way to go use. I will try to put some up of the photos later, well hopefully if they turn out half-decent that is, but-cha never now with these flimsy things!

07 November 2010


I Was coming home today in the midst of the dark (at only five thirty!) and the only thing to be seen were street lights which didn't really accomplish their first-class job of lighting the street; they lighted zilch, zero, nothing. With my camera in one hand, and eagerness to shoot something a little out-of-the-box, in the other, off I trotted. Not metaphorically, of course. With it being so dark outside, it was easy to make wacky shapes, lines and what-have-you with the lights. Tried different editing, just for fun. The negative and cross-process ones seem to be my favourites.

05 November 2010

Automnial equinox

This is the first Autumn in a while where the leaves have had the curtosy to stay on the trees and make lovely colours for us passer-by'ers' to acknowledge. Personally i think that Britain looks the nicest in Autumn, except for when its raining of course, which I have to say is the majority of the time. It's so nice to see your average looking objects and glance the golden coloured hues cropping up behind it. Here, weather is a hot topic, but I think even though it's best at the moment and the sun is ever-so eager to set at an ungodly hour of four, its the stuff like the warm colours of leaves which make me happy rather than the warm temperatures in the air.

04 November 2010

Great expectations

A full three hundred and sixty-five days have whizzed by again and now I find myself writing as a fifteen year old. Yesterday was officially my birthday, but apparently (according to one of my friends) today is my boxing birthday, aha!

I don't really make a big hoo-haa on my birthday (well compared to some of my friends that is) so the whole present and cake receiving thing isn't my forte. Therefore I was glad to see I only had to go through one present opening 'session' in the morning. Isn't it tedious opening them in front of people with their faces staring directly at yours awaiting for that all-important expression of well...overjoyment. And there's that hole "should I carefully peel away at your super-glue like cello tape you used very generously on that ickle present, or shall I rip and tear my way through that vulgar wrapping paper because I'll throw it away afterwards anyway," thought going through your head.

But to my surprise and bitty touch of sadness I was was given an iPad by the folk (I say sadness because I felt i was doing perfectly well with my well-loved however prone-to-bullying-olf-fashioned classic model). So now I'm trying to test it to see if it really is the next big thing, but let's no kid ourselves here, the guys at apple are really putting their brains cells into gear because I don't know anyone who says, "Can I listen to your mp3?" or something alone those lines anymore, it's all about the pod's and mac's these days. The next generation is definitely in full swing. My mum was dumbfounded when I told her you could read books on this thing, 'what are people doing to themselves...' she gasped not only to contradict her prior thoughts within a matter of seconds when she saw the easy to read, high resolution text and erm... other book like features on the screen. But so far it really is a little gem and I have been trying to put it through its paces because, quite frankly, at first I really didn't want to like it. Only because it isn't a computer but it's an object swaying into the 'too cool for any other type of techno' category. But further thinking got me wondering why it's so frowned upon to have a product manufactured  without one certain function in mind. Three cheers to Apple's futuristic idea, they should be credited not critisized. I mean it was only ten years go that those brick Nokia 3210's were flying of the shelves and I don't even want to go back to the 80's...every film made around that time boasts busy office workers holding black cuboid boxes to their ears with antennas the size of sunflower stalks looming awkwardly over their heads. Saying that, dad's ear and that Nokia phone of his are best friends over a decade later...some things never, ever change even with all the persuading in the world.