23 October 2010


I will be floating around spontaniously for some time so i'll continue my blog next week. More from Brighton, good ol' Brighton then and some other randomers. Don't lose faith, i'll be back in a clickedy-click (or flash or jiffy or in a sec whatever floats that vessel of yours...).

More from four foot lollies and jazz players later. Just a littler taster. Think of it as a canape.

17 October 2010

Sunset boulevard

Finally finished editing my summer photos, all 2,148 of them. Well not all of them, but you get the jist. It probably took me longer than intended as I tried to multi-task by intently listening (and watching) a classic french comedy of mine along the way. So glad I dug them all out. Plus mum makes me watch all these Russian movies (from back in the USSR), so I turn out to know so much random information; like how many shots it takes for a russian to get pissed on a cold night, before he realises that he's somehow taken a plane and ended up on the other side of the country. Can't wait for two weeks of video rummaging and movie watching though.

Catalonia is not Spain

16 October 2010

Over the pond

First half-term of the school year, score! Year 10's going by just swell except for the mahoosive exams at the end of it. And they say your childhood is the best time of your life.... Anyway i'm pretty sure that if I was american then I would be much more excited of the prospect of starting high school. I mean it's high school! Even growing up watching the Olsen twins, I was excited when they showed snippets of their school! I can tell you guys now im jealous to the core. Ever noticed how they never base kid's TV shoes on English schools, only the "thuper dooper" cool one's of the US?

On a funny note, this video made me cry with laughter. This is so true to my parents (well to everyone's over the age of 35 in fact, no?). Eddie's a comical genious!

15 October 2010

The entertainment system

Tap dogs are mighty! My new found video interest, although i am pretty sure i'm a bit late. I have never been into this stuff, but I accidentally saw this while I was flipping through channels and I ended up watching the whole 2 hour show until midnight. It was that good! Credits to Dein Perry and Adam Garcia for forming the group.
My kind-of cousin was having fun playing with fire. There is no such thing as safety hazards in rural Sweden exept if you burn down the forest, and only then they get kinda pissed. I mean we coud have burnt the whole country down and that would have been the end of Scandinavia. The thought made me shiver; who could ever live without 'Sveeeedish meatballs?'

Bang on-time

I come to this spot on the same balcony of the same hotel every year, and everytime there is a photo opportunity. Every time i see one, i think, 'what a perfect shot?' and run to get my camera, whilst the sunset gradually fades into black, and i sit there, 'damn, I missed it again!'
This time I just about got it?

The pioneer